Personal website of a political thinker (full page)

Imagine that it's 1864, some weird parallel universe with the Internet already invented, and Karl Marx has just redesigned his personal website.

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I tried to put there everything his possible visitors would need to find:
- Who's that guy I've so much (or somewhat) about?
- What's the stuff he talks about?
- What did he write?
- What does he do now?
- And I feel too lazy to go through the website, so let me just use the search.

For those who wanted to discuss collaboration contacts are provided (the address here - it's his personal address actually, but let's say that in the parallel universe it's his office).

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I hope the visual side of the design reflects that
- on the one hand that it's XIX century (so the whole appearance is newspaperish),
- on the other - Marx was a truly revolutionary thinker with dazzling pioneering ideas - so the website got to have some modernist view.

The whole webpage can be seen here:

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Hope you enjoyed it :)
Thanks for watching and for reading!

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