TV remote app

This timewe played a little bit with SoftUI also called Neumorphism and created TV remote app that connects your phone and the SmartTV that you have. It serves as classic TV remote but also as a streaming service where you can watch movies, shows and maybe stream music.
Here you can see the main control panel where you can control what are you watching. This is the main panel for the app. You can move +- 10 seconds, pause, resume or control volume.
In recommended tab you can see movies that are recommended to you depending on movies you watched before and are chosen by algorithms that take to consideration what movies are popular amongst other people and the genres that you watched before. This makes choosing a movie less of a hassle for you as a end consumer and more enjoyable in the evening to turn off your mind and relax by the movie.
On dashboard you see some statistics about your TV usage. You can see the genres of the movies you watched, how much time you spent watching and more. You can choose between monthly or weekly statistics and compare this to your loved ones to see who likes what.

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