The A-'Maze'-ing Steve Jobs - Drawing

This drawing was completed in 2012, only a few months after the passing of Steve Jobs.

One of my class assignments for this course was a Quad Symmetry drawing. This was one that took much trial and error to settle on. It turned out to be the most difficult drawing I've ever done in my life. And one that I'm most proud of.

I won't walk through my entire process but I will say that I had to measure out and draw a maze from scratch (which does have a single path of completion) and overlay the portrait image of Steve Jobs on top of it.

This uses tech pen and marker but I most certainly did everything as a soft pencil layer beforehand, just to make sure I had everything in place. Then I went back over everything in ink and thankfully completed it with very few mistakes.

I don't remember my motivation for using a maze as the background, or if it correlated with Steve Jobs in any way, but Inception had recently come out - one of my all time favorite movies, btw - which meant I had mazes on my mind.... and I think the maze worked for this particular project.

I hope you like it. This was a lot of fun to draw.

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