O Little Britain

Business culture changed and never looked back in the 70s - the primary function of a company shifted towards maximising shareholder value. What’s the most we can make?

A "might is right" view emerged politically - 80s power allegiance Thatcher and Reagan enabled this attitude to blossom.

What’s emerged has taken hold as the norm. A momentum between profit, pay distribution and shareholder value galvanised. Here’s what some of the financial scales look like between CEOs and staff:

🇺🇸 Today The average CEO makes X271 vs the average worker. 271 times 💰

🇺🇸 1989 CEOs make X59 💰

🇺🇸 1965 X20 💰

🇬🇧 Today CEOs make £129 for every £1 an employee makes 💸

🇬🇧 1987 £45 for every employee £1 💸

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