Geometrical psychology diagrams

It's time for some more of The Shop's unusual vector assets : the geometrical psychology diagrams. These were originally created as an attempt to "mathematically model human consciousness through geometric forms" in the late 1880s.

There are two main groups of assets: the first one, with mainly two dimensional diagrams, and second one, of more than two dimensions, that resemble flowers and crystals. I also added some random nuggets from the rest of the collection. The diagrams have that beautiful execution of late Victorian era scientific illustration, while also presenting an undeniable organic touch. The "three dimensional" group of assets also feature shading, and color highlights.

There are forty-five (45) assets altogether, carefully digitized, organized, and share in a variety of formats, with care. I would recommend using them as background elements, color scheme inspirations, or of course as the centerpiece of the project you're working on.

- Forty-five (45) diagrams
- Available in multiple vector and raster formats for wider compatibility range: Adobe Illustrator (CC, CS6, CS3), PDF, EPS, and PNG
- 641.60 MB archive size

Like the textures you're seeing in the previews? They come from my Photocopy noise textures vol. 02. You must go check them out:

Curious about the beautiful, aged serif typeface I used for the previews? It's Appareo, created by Kimmy Design. You can find it on Creative Market, and you ought to check it out as well:

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Simon Hartmann
Designer, photographer, blogger. 🇫🇷 living in 🇺🇸. He/him
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