Yova Medium Print

The medium print acts as a set of supporting colors that expand Yova’s brand application opportunities to meet all their needs.

What you’re looking at here, is another approach to the core brand assets that utilizes a different balance between the “natural” photo assets and logo elements, which defines a palette of secondary brand colors.

During the process of creating these billboards and posters, we threw in an intentional deviation from the primary brand colors. By doing that, we defined the secondary brand colors can do their job and facilitate broader campaign applications. Broader pallet, clearer message – who’d have thought, right?

Yes, this is it for the branding, but you haven’t experienced anything until you’ve seen it all together in one place.

Stay tuned, brand guidelines are coming soon!

Art direction: Petar Stojakovic
Branding: Marko Ivanovic
Web design: Petar Stojakovic
Motion: Nebojsa Jurcic
Writer: Lex Molnar

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