Farbbox. Prototyping an interactive mood lamp.
Hello boys and girls.
This is no interface, no logo or icon or illustration you want to lick but an actual device you can hold in your hand.
After mining tons* of plexiglas, magnets, wires, LEDs, fancy digital sensors and alien high technology** I crafted a little magical box.
It's called Farbbox and changes its color by detecting tilt movement.
And if you shake it, it even fades between colors automatically.
In other words: I tinkered an interactive mood lamp. Cool, he?
Farbbox is just a prototype at the moment and will be extended sooner or later. Do you have some awesome additional features in mind? Tell me.
This is my very first Arduino project, a result of my first semester studying Interactive Media Design at UoAS Darmstadt.
Here's a little demonstration video: https://vimeo.com/58918791
Thank you.