1. E-commerce health and beauty industry business clean design home page landing page minimalist design modern design online sotre software user experience user interface website website design
    View E-commerce health and beauty industry
    E-commerce health and beauty industry
  2. Regain your balance affinity app balance bird birds designer figma green health icons illustration lineart mental mindfulness mobile procreate product ui ux wellness
    View Regain your balance
    Regain your balance
  3. neurolyze: BCI Brain Computer Interface | Brand Book Identity bci biotech biotech brand identity biotech branding biotech logo blue brain computer interface brand book clean dark mode digital health medical tech minimal modern neurology neuroscience neuroscience branding neuroscience logo neurotechnology responsive website
    View neurolyze: BCI Brain Computer Interface | Brand Book Identity
    neurolyze: BCI Brain Computer Interface | Brand Book Identity
  4. Velvety - Skincare Website Product Section Design beauty card clean cosmetic e commerce elegant health imagery minimalist modern online organic product section products responsive shopping skin tabs ui website
    View Velvety - Skincare Website Product Section Design
    Velvety - Skincare Website Product Section Design
  5. Pills: Health E-Commerce UI design doctor ecommerce healthcare healthcare website landing page medical project medicine shop online healthcare online medical services web web design webdesign website
    View Pills: Health E-Commerce UI
    Pills: Health E-Commerce UI
  6. PeaceHub – Mental Health Website Framer Template emotional wellness framer design framer template framer ui healing journey hope and healing mental health mental health awareness mental health metters mental health resources mental health website mental wellbeing mindful design peace hub selfcare tools ui inspiraation ui showcase ui trends wellness together wellness website
    View PeaceHub – Mental Health Website Framer Template
    PeaceHub – Mental Health Website Framer Template
  7. osler UI Kit: AI Telehealth App | AI Health Assistant Companion ai health assistant app ai health chatbot ai health chatbot app ai health companion ai health companion app ai healthcare app ai telehealth app ai telemedicine app chat ui flat green healthcare ui kit minimal telehealth ui kit telemedicine ui kit virtual doctor app virtual doctor assistant virtual doctor companion virtual health asssistant voice ui
    View osler UI Kit: AI Telehealth App | AI Health Assistant Companion
    osler UI Kit: AI Telehealth App | AI Health Assistant Companion
  8. FundriaseX - Fundraising Dashboard Concept UI UX Design charity dashboard chart crpyto dashboard dashboard ui data donation dashboard finance dashboard finance design financial dashboard fintech dashboard fund dashboard fund website funding dashboard health dashboard marketing dashboard minimal modern dashboard ui
    View FundriaseX - Fundraising Dashboard Concept UI UX Design
    FundriaseX - Fundraising Dashboard Concept UI UX Design
  9. Health Follow-up on Mobile app chart chip data dataviz design digital hand health healthcare ios iphone medical status tech ui ui design uiux ux vizualisation
    View Health Follow-up on Mobile
    Health Follow-up on Mobile
  10. asklepios: AI Healthcare & Wellness App | Badge Achievements UI achievement ui achievement unlocked achievements ai health companion badge badge ui clean fitness app healthcare healthcare app healthcare ui leaderboard leaderboard ui minimal soft trophy ui ui ui kit virtual care wellness app
    View asklepios: AI Healthcare & Wellness App | Badge Achievements UI
    asklepios: AI Healthcare & Wellness App | Badge Achievements UI
  11. Website Design for Health and Wellness Company components desktop figma health hero interactions mobile responsive ui web design website wellness
    View Website Design for Health and Wellness Company
    Website Design for Health and Wellness Company
  12. E-commerce for a Healthy Soda - DrinkFibe design drink e commerce fizzy drink framer health landing page lemon orange peach shopify soda store strawberry ui ux webdesign yellow
    View E-commerce for a Healthy Soda - DrinkFibe
    E-commerce for a Healthy Soda - DrinkFibe
  13. neurolyze: BCI Brain Computer Interface | Cognitive Computing UI 3d bci biotech biotech landing page biotech web design biotech website blue brain computer interface clean cognitive science dark mode digital health minimal modern neurology neuron neuroscience neuroscience website neurotechnology responsive website
    View neurolyze: BCI Brain Computer Interface | Cognitive Computing UI
    neurolyze: BCI Brain Computer Interface | Cognitive Computing UI
  14. Health Tracker – Mobile App Design design healhtcare app health health tracker health tracking healthcare medical care medical stats mental care mental health mobile mobile app mobile application mobile design monitoring nutrition smart watch health app ui wellness wellness app
    View Health Tracker – Mobile App Design
    Health Tracker – Mobile App Design
  15. Doctor Booking Landing Page Design booking landing page consultation design doctor health healthcare hospital landing page landing page design medical medical care patient selfcare ui uiux user experience web design website website design wellness
    View Doctor Booking Landing Page Design
    Doctor Booking Landing Page Design
  16. turing UI Kit: AI Smart Healthcare App | Virtual Health Metrics activity tracker app ai health companion app ai health tracker app ai healthcare app ai wellness app blood pressure app clean figma ui kit health metrics ui health score ui health tracker app healthcare ui kit minimal modern nutrition app purple simple violet virtual care app virtual healthcare app
    View turing UI Kit: AI Smart Healthcare App | Virtual Health Metrics
    turing UI Kit: AI Smart Healthcare App | Virtual Health Metrics
  17. Pill Tracker & Medication Reminder Mobile App UX/UI Design ai app b2b calendar dashboard design designer drugs figma health health assistant healthcare medication tracker mobile app mobile app design pill tracker purple saas schedule ux design
    View Pill Tracker & Medication Reminder Mobile App UX/UI Design
    Pill Tracker & Medication Reminder Mobile App UX/UI Design
  18. Health Care App app app design app screen design branding check up design health health app health care ios app design mental health minimal mobile app mobile design orix product design sajon ui user experience ux
    View Health Care App
    Health Care App
  19. osler UI Kit: AI Telehealth App | Electronic Health Record EHR ai doctor app ai doctor companion app ai healthcare app ai medical app ai telehealth app ai telemedicine app clean doctor consultation app ehr ehr app ehr ui electornic health record electornic health record ui electronic health record app flat green lab app medical app minimal patient app
    View osler UI Kit: AI Telehealth App | Electronic Health Record EHR
    osler UI Kit: AI Telehealth App | Electronic Health Record EHR
  20. medilens: AI Medical Diagnostics & Imaging - Mobile Hero Pattern 3d ai diagnostics ai medical imaging anatomy biotech biotech landing page biotech website clean clinical website diagnostic diagnostics website digital health medical imaging medical website minimal mobile app modern responsive smart health teal
    View medilens: AI Medical Diagnostics & Imaging - Mobile Hero Pattern
    medilens: AI Medical Diagnostics & Imaging - Mobile Hero Pattern
  21. Task Planner / To-do list App app calendar customized efficient filters health ios mobile app personalized planner scheduler sorting task creation task management task planner tasks time management to do list ui wellness
    View Task Planner / To-do list App
    Task Planner / To-do list App
  22. X-Fitness–Professional Gym Website Template agency bodybuilding branding creative design fitness framer gym health healthy illustration landing page modern sport training startup template trainer ui ux webflow
    View X-Fitness–Professional Gym Website Template
    X-Fitness–Professional Gym Website Template
  23. nightingale UI Kit: AI Medical & E-Pharmacy | Health Metrics UI ai health companion bar chart chart chart design chart ui chart widget clean green healthcare chart healthcare ui healthcare ui kit line chart medical ui kit minimal minimal chart pharmacy ui kit red simple teal virtual care
    View nightingale UI Kit: AI Medical & E-Pharmacy | Health Metrics UI
    nightingale UI Kit: AI Medical & E-Pharmacy | Health Metrics UI
  24. freud: AI Mental Health App | Mindfulness Tracker Widget Card UI bar chart card ui chart chart ui clean figma ui kit health score healthcare ui kit heatmap chart journal app mental health app mental health ui kit minimal modern mood app mood tracker pie chart soft ui kit widget ui
    View freud: AI Mental Health App | Mindfulness Tracker Widget Card UI
    freud: AI Mental Health App | Mindfulness Tracker Widget Card UI
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