1. TaskTrak - Meeting Schedule Platform Dashboard activity calendar clean dashboard design event kanban management planner product product design saas schedule table task task management ui ui design ux work
    View TaskTrak - Meeting Schedule Platform Dashboard
    TaskTrak - Meeting Schedule Platform Dashboard
  2. slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS File Table UI Kit black and white clean dashboard layout ui design system figma file management app file management table file management ui file manager app file manager table file manager ui minimal saas table saas ui simple slothui table design table layout ui table ui ui kit
    View slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS File Table UI Kit
    slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS File Table UI Kit
  3. slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - Settings Dashboard UI blue clean design system figma design system gradient minimal modern setting setting ui settings interface settings ui slothui soft table table design table interface table ui text input ui ui design ui kit
    View slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - Settings Dashboard UI
    slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - Settings Dashboard UI
  4. slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - File Management UI clean dashboard design dashboard ui design system file management file management dashboard file management ui file upload file upload dashboard file upload dropzone file upload ui minimal modern purple slothui soft table ui ui kit upload interface upload ui
    View slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - File Management UI
    slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - File Management UI
  5. Vulcan Product UI dark theme dashboard data digital iconography icons navigation product status support tickets table type typography ui ux web
    View Vulcan Product UI
    Vulcan Product UI
  6. Pricing cards 💸 billing plans billing settings cards components figma individual plants interface modern nav plans pricing page pricing plans pricing settings product design sidenav table ui ui design user interface ux
    View Pricing cards 💸
    Pricing cards 💸
  7. Haerde - HR Dashboard Platform analytics clean design dashboard design hr hr dashboard human resource human resource dashboard overview recruitment table ui ui design uiux ux
    View Haerde - HR Dashboard Platform
    Haerde - HR Dashboard Platform
  8. Order list - POS dashboard b2b b2b food b2b restuarant cashier dashboard filter food income list menu order payment pos queue restaurant saas sort table
    View Order list - POS dashboard
    Order list - POS dashboard
  9. Pricing Page | Light Theme light theme minimal modern offers plans price pricing pricing page pricing plan pricing table team ui ui design ux web web page website
    View Pricing Page | Light Theme
    Pricing Page | Light Theme
  10. Financio - Financial Dashboard banking barly card clean dashboard design designer finance financial table transaction ui uidesign ux uxdesign uxerflow web web app website
    View Financio - Financial Dashboard
    Financio - Financial Dashboard
  11. UX-UI for a Fitness Product ✦ Aktion admin panel analytics charts crm dashboard design graphs interface management product saas sidebar system table ui ux
    View UX-UI for a Fitness Product ✦ Aktion
    UX-UI for a Fitness Product ✦ Aktion
  12. Dashboard for a HR Product ✦ Monly admin panel analytics charts crm dashboard design graphs interface management product saas sidebar system table ui ux
    View Dashboard for a HR Product ✦ Monly
    Dashboard for a HR Product ✦ Monly
  13. Calendar view of Task Management Dashboard activity calendar clean daily dashboard data design kanban management planner product product design saas table task task management ui ui design work workflow
    View Calendar view of Task Management Dashboard
    Calendar view of Task Management Dashboard
  14. Dashboard for a Finance App ✦ TrackZen admin panel analytics charts crm dashboard design graphs interface management product saas sidebar system table ui ux
    View Dashboard for a Finance App ✦ TrackZen
    Dashboard for a Finance App ✦ TrackZen
  15. UI-UX for a Management Product ✦ Maniex admin panel analytics charts crm dashboard design graphs interface management product saas sidebar system table ui ux
    View UI-UX for a Management Product ✦ Maniex
    UI-UX for a Management Product ✦ Maniex
  16. Dashboard for a Finance Product ✦ Monetir admin panel analytics charts crm dashboard design graphs interface management product saas sidebar system table ui ux
    View Dashboard for a Finance Product ✦ Monetir
    Dashboard for a Finance Product ✦ Monetir
  17. Dashboard for a Logistics Product ✦ Avitrace admin panel analytics charts crm dashboard design graphs interface management product saas sidebar system table ui ux
    View Dashboard for a Logistics Product ✦ Avitrace
    Dashboard for a Logistics Product ✦ Avitrace
  18. CRM Saas Dashboard buttons charts components creative crm customer management filtering fintech graph hover state kpis light mode product design saas saas dashboard sidebar table table view uxdesign valeria savina product designer
    View CRM Saas Dashboard
    CRM Saas Dashboard
  19. 🧮 Dynamically testing dashboard dashboard design data visualization engagement metrics line chart saas dashboard software design stats table table design table interface testing questions user interface user interface design widget preview
    View 🧮 Dynamically testing
    🧮 Dynamically testing
  20. Onvest - Financial Dashboard bank chart clean dashboard design expense finance financial financial reports income invest investment management saas table ui ux wealth web app
    View Onvest - Financial Dashboard
    Onvest - Financial Dashboard
  21. Incident Timeline admin panel analytics chart clean dark theme darkmode data graph interface minimal nodes saas software statistics stats time table timeline ui ux web app
    View Incident Timeline
    Incident Timeline
  22. slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - Analytics Dashboard UI analytics analytics app analytics dashboard black and white chart chart ui clean ui dashboard design dashboard ui design system figma design system figma ui kit minimal ui modern ui slothui soft ui table ui ui ui design ui kit
    View slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - Analytics Dashboard UI
    slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - Analytics Dashboard UI
  23. Smart Energy Dashboard admin ai busines analytics chart clean enerty graph saas saas dashboard saas web sidebar smart smart energy smart home statistics system table ui uidesign ux
    View Smart Energy Dashboard
    Smart Energy Dashboard
  24. Dashboard for a Healthcare App ✦ Ovulity admin panel analytics charts crm dashboard design graphs interface management product saas sidebar system table ui ux
    View Dashboard for a Healthcare App ✦ Ovulity
    Dashboard for a Healthcare App ✦ Ovulity
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