1. Mensa Foundation 3d blog dark design glide glide design hero light minimal particles purple stats subpages team testimonial ui ux webdesign webiste website
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  2. Icons: Gradient icon style for a new-age educational platform 2d 3d app books chemistry education glow gradient iconography icons india math new age physics purple school science ui university web
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  23. turing UI Kit: AI Smart Healthcare App | Table Component Layout ai health assisstant ai health companion ai healthcare app clean figma ui kit gradien health data ui healthcare ui kit minimal modern progress bar ui purple simple table table component table design table interface table layout ui table ui table variant
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  24. slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - Settings Mobile UIUX clean design system figma gradient ios app minimal mobile app modern purple setting ui settings mobile settings mobile ui settings ui slothui soft table team settings ui ui ui design ui kit
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