1. 1ly Options Landing page ai bear bento cards branding bull candlestick contact dashboard design enterprise illustration landing page logos pitch deck stock market testimonials trading ui website zerodha
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    1ly Options Landing page
  2. Picktime - Smart Meetings Platform SAAS appointments calendar conversations event home page landing page meeting platform meetings planning productivity project management saas scheduling tasks time management tools time track time tracking to do list uiux website design
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    Picktime - Smart Meetings Platform SAAS
  3. Trading App cards. 1lyoptions ai bento cards cards chart dashboard finance fintech illustrations landing page news options trading pricing product design stock market trading ui ux website zerodha
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    Trading App cards.
  4. RideWay – Ride in Progress Screen eco friendly app green ux ios app live navigation mobile app mobility app mobility solution modern transport ride share ride sharing ride sharing app design ride tracking smart mobility app transportation app ui ux design urban transport
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  5. 🍕 Web design for the pizza restaurant | Hyperactive black colors commercial website concept dark design ecommerce graphic design hero section hyperactive landing page main page pizza website product design restaurant ui uiux ux web web design
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    🍕 Web design for the pizza restaurant | Hyperactive
  6. Mr. Cashy app app charachter charachter illustration creative design design figma design illustration illustration app interaction design ios kids app ui mobile mobile design modern design ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
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    Mr. Cashy app
  7. Reimagining the Online Furniture Experience architecture company decor design furniture home interior interior design modern ui ux web web design website
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    Reimagining the Online Furniture Experience
  8. slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS File Manager Grid blue clean design system figma file management file management app file management ui file manager file manager ui gradient grid layout ui grid ui minimal modern purple saas layout ui saas ui slothui soft ui kit
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    slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS File Manager Grid
  9. Baby Care Website Design babies baby baby care best design care childcare clean design design home page infant care kids care landing page minicare minimal newborn product ui ui design uiuxdesign website
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  10. Next-Gen AI-Powered Car Rental App ai aiapp app appdesign appinterface artificialintelligence assistant carbooking carbookingapp cardetails carrental carrentalapp digitalinnovation innovativetech mobileappdesign nextgenmobility smarttech techdesign userexperience vehical
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    Next-Gen AI-Powered Car Rental App
  11. Fiscal – Multi-Option Hero Section for Financial Courses digital product fintech platform saas ui ux web
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    Fiscal – Multi-Option Hero Section for Financial Courses
  12. Crypto Trading Mobile App Design analytics app designer bank app bitcoin crypto app crypto exchange crypto investment crypto mobile app crypto trading mobile app design figma design fintech investment app mobile app mobile app design mobile apps mobile design mobile ui uiux uiux design user interface
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  13. Fintra app analytics android app app design application dark mobile app ios ios design mobile mobile design money app stock app stock application top mobile app design trading app ui ui design user experience user interface ux design
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  14. slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS File Manager Grid black and white clean design system figma figma ui kit file management file management app file management ui file manager app file manager design file manager ui gradient grid grid layout ui grid ui minimal saas ui slothui soft ui kit
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    slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS File Manager Grid
  15. Food & Drink Website Mobile View Design branding design foodwebsite illustration landing page mobile app mobile web mobiledesign ui uiux ux web design website website design
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    Food & Drink Website Mobile View Design
  16. slothUI - World's Laziest Design System - SaaS Landing Page UIUX clean design system figma hero section landing page layout ui minimal responsive saas saas landing page saas ui saas web design saas website simple slothui soft ui design ui kit web design website layout
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  17. A Creative Design Concept for the Company Hub 3d animation blender branding company hub creative space creativity design concept graphic design illustration innovation inspiration logo minimal motion graphics office design ui ux workplace
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    A Creative Design Concept for the Company Hub
  18. slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS Kanban Dashboard clean design system figma gradient kanban kanban app kanban card ui kanban dashboard kanban design kanban ui minimal modern project management dashboard project management ui purple slothui soft ui ui design ui kit
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    slothUI: World's Laziest Design System | SaaS Kanban Dashboard
  19. Product Card Design for E-Commerce UI UX Design add to card add to card button antdesk bold typography creative illustration creative product display custom ui e commerce ui interactive interface marketplace design minimal ui modern design online store design product card design shopping experience shopping ui ui inspiration user interface design ux design wishlist
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    Product Card Design for E-Commerce UI UX Design
  20. Product Specifications Page 3d 3d illustration animation dji mavic drone drone graphics drone specs fly mobile design mobile screen phantom product details product page responsive scroll specs ui ui design ux ux design
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  21. slothUI: Figma Design System for Gen Z | SaaS Video Player UIUX clean gradient minimal modern orange saas app saas ui saas video app saas video player slothui soft streaming ui video video app video platform video player app video player design video player ui video streaming ui video ui
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  22. slothUI: Figma Design System for Gen Z | SaaS File Manager UIUX clean design system figma file management file management app file management dashboard file management ui file manager file manager dashboard file manager ui minimal modern purple saas dashboard saas layout ui saas ui simple slothui soft ui kit
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  23. Blogify Blogging Agency Website Template agency article blog blogging branding broadcast clean creative design figma template framer template illustration layout minimal modern ui ux webdesign webflow template website
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  24. M mark options design logo mark m letter minimalistic minimalism simplicity
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