1. NexHR - Branding Indentity b2b brand branding candidate clean employment hiring hr interview jobhunter management minimalist modern recruitment saas startup
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  2. NexHR - HR Landing Page animation b2b candidate careers clean employment hiring hr interview job application jobhunter landing page minimalist modern recruitment remote saas startup ui ux web design
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  3. AI Recruiting Software ai animation ats candidate composer email hiring inbox platform recruiting ui website
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  4. TalentFusion - A Recruiting Website Design | Orbix Studio ai animation candidate employment graphic design hiring hr job job board landing page motion graphics or orbix studio platform recruitment ui ux web web design website
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  5. BordUp - Employee Dashboard b2b candidate chart clean dashboard dashboard design employee hiring hr human recources people management product product design recruitment saas startup task uiux user dashboard
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  6. BordUp - HR Management Dashboard b2b candidate clean dashboard dashboard design employee hiring hr hris human resources modern people management product design recruitment saas startup statistic task uiux user dashboard
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  7. Tiimi - Job Openings Management for SaaS HR candidate company contract employee hiring hr hrd hrm hrs job management product design recruitment saas saas design team management ui ux web app web design
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  8. Tiimi - Schedule New Interviews for Candidates in HR Management animation candidate company employee hiring hr hrd hrm hrms hrs interview job product design saas saas design schedule team management ui ux web design
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  11. Tiimi - Add Assessments for Candidates in SaaS HR Management assessment candidate company contract employee management hiring hr hrd hrm hrms hrs job product design recruitment saas saas design team management ui ux web app
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  13. Tiimi - Candidate Profile and Interview Schedules in HRM candidate company contract employee management hiring hr hrd hrm hrms hrs interview job product design profile recruitment saas team management ui ux web app
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  14. Tiimi - Detailed Contract for Employees in a SaaS HR Management candidate company contract employee employee management hiring hr hrd hrm hrs job management product design recruitment saas saas design team management ui ux web app
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  16. Job Search Recruiting Website | Orbix Studio analytics candidate career employment hiring website homepage hr platform job finder job listing job portal job search job seeker landing page orbix studio recruiting platform recruitment agency ui ui design ux web design
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  18. Tiimi - Candidate Resume Information in SaaS HR Management candidate company contract employee management hiring hr hrd hrm hrms hrs job product design profile recruitment resume saas saas design team management ui ux
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  20. Tiimi Mobile – Respond to Candidates' Unread Emails for HR candidate company hiring hr hrd hrm hrms human resources job mobile app mobile design pipeline product design recruitment reply email saas saas design team management ui ux
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  21. AI Recruiting Website | Orbix Studio aihiring analytics candidate career employment hiring website homepage job listing job portal job seeker landing page orbix studio recruiting platform recruitment agency ui ui design ux web design website
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  22. Tiimi - Document & Files in SaaS HR Management asset candidate company document employee files hiring hr hrd hrm hrs job product design recruitment saas saas design team management ui ux web design
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