1. Wasl - Telecom Network Mobile account bill payment billing connectivity coverage data data usage mobile app mobile plan network network ui payment plan recharge roaming signal subscription telecom telecom app usage
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  2. Wearify - Fashion eCommerce Mobile App apparel clothes digital store e commerce design ecommerce app fashion fashion app fashion brand fashion design fashion mobile hm life style marketplace mobile app online shop online shopping online store outfit shopping stylish
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  3. Car Market and Tracking - Mobile App Design apppresentation carapp carmarket cleandesign darkmode lightmode mobieappui mobile app modernui ui uiux ux
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  4. QuickBite | Restaurant App african chicken chinese delivery food app food categories food choices green and white healthy meal italian menu mobile app ordering product page restaurant app soup ui user interface ux ux design
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  5. music streaming , app artists audio audio sharing dark themed digital audio mobile app mobile ui music music creators music library music production music search music streaming offline listening playlist podcasts singing social music song ui design
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  6. Organization App - Dark UI account organization app inspiration checkout dark ui earnings hallowen costume headphones item list learning tab mobile app mobile dairy my things night time organization app savings spendings time tracking trends ui design wishlist
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