1. Logo and Bag design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Centre.... bag blue brand design branding colourful design graphic design identity identity design logo logo design ngo ngo branding ngo design ngo logo school school bag school branding school logo visual idenity
    View Logo and Bag design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Centre....
    Logo and Bag design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Centre....
  2. Social Media post design for Gandhian NGO Education Insititutute advertisement advertisement design blue brand design branding colourful design educational gandhian graphic design institute minimal ngo odia photography post poster posters design posts design social media
    View Social Media post design for Gandhian NGO Education Insititutute
    Social Media post design for Gandhian NGO Education Insititutute
  3. Blue brand palette design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Inst black blue brand design brand palette branding colour palette colourful design graphic design ngo ngo branding ngo design ngo marketing red white
    View Blue brand palette design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Inst
    Blue brand palette design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Inst
  4. Posters design for Odia Gandhian NGO Educational Institute.... a4 ad design advertisement blue brand design branding colourful design graphic design minima ngo ngo branding ngo design ngo marketing poster poster design print print design social media social upliftment
    View Posters design for Odia Gandhian NGO Educational Institute....
    Posters design for Odia Gandhian NGO Educational Institute....
  5. A4 print flyers design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Centre a4 a4 design advertisement advertisement design blue brand design branding clean colourful design flyer flyer design graphic design minimal poster poster design print print advertisement print design social media
    View A4 print flyers design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Centre
    A4 print flyers design for Odia Gandhian NGO Vocational Centre
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