1. Bazen Logo Animation 2d animation aep after effects animation animated animated gif intro logo animation microanimation microinteraction minimal minimalistic motion design motion graphic outro transition youtube youtube tutorial channel
    View Bazen Logo Animation
    Bazen Logo Animation
  2. FeautureMap - permissions for multiple users bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap icons management tool productivity app project management project management tool project manager project productivity saas table task management task tracker team management time tracker ui ux
    View FeautureMap - permissions for multiple users
    FeautureMap - permissions for multiple users
  3. FeatureMap – Dashboard Multiple select bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap management tool organisation app productivity app project management tool project manager saas select task organisation task tracking tasks team management tracking ui ui cards ux
    View FeatureMap – Dashboard Multiple select
    FeatureMap – Dashboard Multiple select
  4. FeatureMap - Create a tag animation bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap management tool pop up productivity app project management project management tool project manager project productivity saas table task management task tracker team management time tracker ui ux
    View FeatureMap - Create a tag animation
    FeatureMap - Create a tag animation
  5. FatureMap - Delete account animation bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap management tool pop up productivity app project management project management tool project manager project productivity saas table task management task tracker team management time tracker ui ux
    View FatureMap - Delete account animation
    FatureMap - Delete account animation
  6. Movor - Full-stack Development after effect aftereffects animated animation animation after effects animation design bazen agency dashboard dashboard design dashboard ui develop product design ui uiux web app web design web design agency web design and development web designer web development
    View Movor - Full-stack Development
    Movor - Full-stack Development
  7. FeatureMap - Members spacing bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap management tool pop up productivity app project management project management tool project manager project productivity saas table task tracker team management time tracker ui ux
    View FeatureMap - Members spacing
    FeatureMap - Members spacing
  8. Animation - DE Sport after effects aftereffects animated animation animation after effects animation design bazen agency dashboard dashboard animation dashboard design esport esport logo esports games app games design ui dashboard uidesign web app
    View Animation - DE Sport
    Animation - DE Sport
  9. Vent App – Search for projects animation bazen agency blockchain comments crowdfunding crypto crypto currency crypto project crypto wallet dashboard ui defi finance fintech investing mobile website design saas search dashboard ui ux vent
    View Vent App – Search for projects
    Vent App – Search for projects
  10. FeatureMap - Transfer map animation bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap management tool pop up productivity app project management project management tool project manager project productivity saas table task management task tracker team management time tracker ui ux
    View FeatureMap - Transfer map animation
    FeatureMap - Transfer map animation
  11. Casama | Join Pool animation mobile bazen agency bitcoin blockchain crypto crypto app crypto desktop app crypto mobile app crypto ui crypto wallet cryptocurrency dashboard defi ethereum finance fintech mobile dashboard saas ui ux web3
    View Casama | Join Pool animation mobile
    Casama | Join Pool animation mobile
  12. Phonesites - Desktop Dashboard Animation ai content writer analysis bazen agency brand dashboard design agency landing page builder lead generation marketing platform marketing tool motion graphics phonesites saas statistic ui uidesign uidesigner uiux uiuxdesign website builder
    View Phonesites - Desktop Dashboard Animation
    Phonesites - Desktop Dashboard Animation
  13. UK Retreats – Grid System bazen bazen agency business marketing landing page design landing page ui marketing agency mobile landing page photography rental responsive design tourism travel ui uk retreats ux vacancy
    View UK Retreats – Grid System
    UK Retreats – Grid System
  14. WunderPass – Landing Page Animation bazen agency blockchain crypto crypto landing page cryptocurrency data control data trading defi fintech identity layer landing page animation landing page design motion graphics nft saas transaction ui ui landing page ux wunderpass
    View WunderPass – Landing Page Animation
    WunderPass – Landing Page Animation
  15. Smart.Reviews - Analytics page analytics animation bazen agency brand layout branding branding design business platform design design agency graphic design illustration motion graphics reviews ui uidesigner uiux uiuxdesign userinterface webapp
    View Smart.Reviews - Analytics page
    Smart.Reviews - Analytics page
  16. UK Retreats – Landing Page Animation bazen agency branding business marketing design animation landing page animation landing page design landing page ui marketing agency motion graphics rental tourism travel guide ui uk retreats ux vacancy
    View UK Retreats – Landing Page Animation
    UK Retreats – Landing Page Animation
  17. Switch - Application Animation 2d animation ae after effects animation app balkan brothers bazen agency branding cv templates daily animation daily ui design graphic design motion graphics resume templates templates templates design ui user experience user interface
    View Switch - Application Animation
    Switch - Application Animation
  18. FeatureMap – Project Management Tool bazen agency branding collaboration app design featuremap icon logo management tool planner app productivity app project management project management tool project productivity task management task tracker time tracker ui ux web app
    View FeatureMap – Project Management Tool
    FeatureMap – Project Management Tool
  19. todo.vu Project Management animated animation animation ui bazen agency business management cards design cards ui dashboard dashboard app dashboard design dashboard ui project design project management project manager stats task management app task manager tracking app ui animation uidesign
    View todo.vu Project Management
    todo.vu Project Management
  20. Vent Application – Apply for whitelist animation bazen agency bitcoin blockchain crowdfunding crypto crypto project crypto wallet cryptocurrency dashboard defi finance fintech investing ui ui design ux vent
    View Vent Application – Apply for whitelist
    Vent Application – Apply for whitelist
  21. FeatureMap - Remove tags for multiple users animation bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap management tool pop up productivity app project management project management tool project manager project productivity saas table task management task tracker team management time tracker ui ux
    View FeatureMap - Remove tags for multiple users animation
    FeatureMap - Remove tags for multiple users animation
  22. FeatureMap - Leave map animation bazen agency collaboration app dashboard dashboard ui featuremap management tool pop up productivity app project management project management tool project manager project productivity saas table task management task tracker team management time tracker ui ux
    View FeatureMap - Leave map animation
    FeatureMap - Leave map animation
  23. WunderPass – Illustrations and graphics bazen agency blockchain brand design crypto crypto currency crypto landing page data control data trading defi design fintech identity layer illustration nft saas styleguide ui user persona ux visual identity
    View WunderPass – Illustrations and graphics
    WunderPass – Illustrations and graphics
  24. Sonar Project Management Tool - Interactions animation animated animated dashboard animation after effects animation design bazen agency dashboard design dashboard flat design dashboard ui dashboard ui design dashboard ui kit design tip design tips project management project management tool project manager ui ui design challenge ui design uiux ux web app
    View Sonar Project Management Tool - Interactions animation
    Sonar Project Management Tool - Interactions animation
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