Pixi Icons - Audio & Video

February 16, 2017

Getting down to the wire with my self-imposed deadline to launch these by end of month... wish me luck!

Pixi Icons - Settings

February 15, 2017

More icons, almost finished!

Pixi Icons - Map

February 13, 2017

I worked hard to make Pixi simple and efficient. Sturdy line weights, bold shapes, and a pixel-perfect design ensure legibility at small sizes. I'm planning to finish before the end of the month. If you're interested you should sign up...

Pixi Icons - Learning

February 10, 2017

Getting close to wrapping the set up!

Pixi Icons - Objects

February 09, 2017

Trucking along, here are more icons from my upcoming Pixi icon set.

Pixi Icons - Health & Fitness

February 08, 2017

Nearing the finish line! I'll probably offer a launch day discount, if you're interested you should sign up here to get notified when they're released.

Pixi Icons

February 07, 2017

Working on some example designs to showcase Pixi.

Pixi Icons - Food & Drink

February 07, 2017

More icons! Sign up here to get notified when they're released.

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Scott Dunlap