K&I 4-Wheelers T-Shirt Graphic

March 04, 2021

Hello. Recently, I have been working on smaller projects. I decided to create and pitch some t-shirt concepts for a local Jeep club in the Louisville, KY area. I went for a more industrial and type-heavy badge with a jeep illustration in...

Steria - Logo & Identity

January 18, 2021

Hello. I created a concept logo & brand package for a fictional department store. I created a logo icon using an S shape with a star placed inside. Combined with custom photo illustrations and color noise gradients, I wanted to creat...


November 23, 2020

Hello. I created a brand and landing page concept for a fictional e-commerce online fulfillment company. SupplyShip provides best-in-class e-commerce fulfillment software powered by data-driven results. --- Let me know what you think do...

Aclinica - Identity and Web Design

November 19, 2020

Hello. I started working on an identity for a fictional service that connects families with local caregivers. The idea was to create an identity and an interface that helped make the process of finding a caregiver simpler and giving fami...

TLOBOC Logo Options

April 22, 2020

Hello. I have started work on a fictional identity design side project using a design prompt from www.sharpen.design. It is a brand identity for a fictional manufacturing company that uses a lot of blue. I have designed three different ...