1. Tradedoubler β€” SMB Platform πŸ“Š affiliate analytics app application cards clean dashboard data graph interface layout marketing minimal network saas simple ui ux web widelab
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    Tradedoubler β€” SMB Platform πŸ“Š
  2. Background Check App animation app b2b design enterprise app enterprise ux interface saas ui uiux ux uxdesign web web app web app design web application design
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  3. Applook | Concept of App analytics service analytics platform app app analytics app insights app monitoring application b2b conversion rate dashboard data finance overwiew product design product designs saas stats ui ux web application web platform
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  4. Workly - KPI Dashboard analytics app b2b charts clean dashboard design interface kpi management product design shopify tool typography ui user experience user interface ux web web design
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  5. Marketing Platform – Dashboard Widgets analytic analytics b2b campaign monitor chart clean components dashboard dashboard components dashboard design dashboard ui dashboard widgets form graph interface marketing marketing campaign ui elements widgets
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  6. Create a Campaign b2b b2c campaign campaign creator configuration configure dashboard form form elements forms isometric isometric illustration mobile notifications push notification saas software system system design ui component
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