SPACED Website Concept

February 21, 2018

Well, better late than never right? I know I am very late to this challenge, but I saw it as more of an opportunity to push myself creatively and practice.

TV On Demand—UI Weekly Challenges S02 [1/10]

January 08, 2018

One of my goals for this year is too create something more often. Right now I’m trying to go through the backlog of Weekly UI challenges. This assignment is a TV on Demand—Concept. Anyways open for any feedback! Thanks!

Blog Post Transitions

April 19, 2016

After doing some of these design challenges, I'm realizing the importance of prototyping in the design workflow. I usually will start by sketching out concepts, transfer it into Sketch/Photoshop, add the visuals, and finally bring it in...

TV App - Music Player

March 29, 2016

My challenge for today is a TV App. I really enjoyed pushing myself to not only quickly create the interface, but also experimenting with transitions. -- Instagram · Twitter · Website

404 Page

March 22, 2016

My challenge for today is a 404 page. I was inspired by the Github 404 page parallax effect and thought I would apply a similar principle to the Unsplash 404 page. -- Instagram · Twitter · Website

Landing Page (hero)

February 24, 2016

Thought I would work my rekindled love for Star Wars into my shot for today. -- Instagram · Twitter · Website

E-Commerce Shop (Single Item)

February 23, 2016

Let's keep it rolling! My challenge for today is a product card. Hope you like it! -- Instagram · Twitter · Website

Mobile Sign Up / Login

February 22, 2016

Hi Dribbble, After a couple months of saying "I'm too busy," or just flat out procrastinating, I thought I would give the Daily UI Challenge a go! -- Instagram · Twitter · Website

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Nainoa Shizuru