Clean mobile layout

March 17, 2015

Trying to avoid using the standard hamburger menu and get the core navigation items in there

Clean, simple landing page

March 16, 2015

More colour options for the landing page

Mobile goodness

March 15, 2015

Working on some mobile concepts :p

Tracks landing page alternative

March 15, 2015

Just playing with an alternative style for the site :)

Tracks landing page

March 15, 2015

One of the design options floating around for the new website, more to follow. Simplicity is the goal

Copy deal sketch

February 25, 2015

Copying deals icon

Export sketch icon

February 25, 2015

Another one for sketch set

Delete confirmation Rebound

February 25, 2015

Adding a bit of life to these sketches

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Lewis Spearman