Buttons for Prestalo

July 20, 2021

When we were working on the design system for Prestalo, we had one idea clear, the buttons needed to be predictable and make the users feel in control of every step of the process of finding and getting a loan. That is why we made them a...

Logo for Prestalo

July 19, 2021

Lately, we have been sharing some design work we did for Prestalo, the online marketplace that went from 0 to 50,000+ loans a month in less than two years. And today, it's time to reveal the logo. "What?! I didn't know that LIFT Agency...

UI components - Color Palette

July 16, 2021

What you see is a snippet of the branding work we did for Prestalo, the online marketplace that has disrupted the industry helping users find the best personal loans and fast credits. What's your take on the color scheme? After a few pr...

UI Library for Prestalo

July 16, 2021

Have you heard about Prestalo? The digital platform that has disrupted the market offering users a simplified process for comparing and obtaining loans. Of course, who hasn't? Let us tell you the story. A few years ago, when they came...

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