1. Tasks management enterprise app issue tracker jira integration productivity web app project maagement project tasks saas saas tool semiflat task app task management task saas task web app tasks saas to do saas
    View Tasks management
    Tasks management
  2. Attio – Record Activity Feed actions activity feed cards clean crm functional design inputs light modern minimal overview product design records timeline ui user interactions user interface ux
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  3. Table with Movable Sections - Production Costing Details blue bulk actions cards checkbox detail view dialog drag and drop fashion production figma floating bar gradient list menu modal saas sections table ui web
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  4. Slide Over Side Panel - Production Milestone Details activity blue cards comments dialog drawer fashion production figma menu modal panel saas side panel slide over ui web
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  5. Workflow - request a position (draft) activity ai approval process automation builder crm execution process hiring hiring process history hr tool invite job logic builder process query builder salesforce step by step workflow zaphq
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  6. Gyaan - Sales Center calendar data table editable fields editable table fields list saas saas crm saas table sales semiflat sheet sidebar table tabs ui ux
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  7. New Dashboard UI for Grow analytics clearbit dashboard dropdown light mode dashboard light mode ui menu report dashboard table ui visitor report
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  8. Design Control app cards dashboard design system device kanban medical navigation saas side tray ui ux
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  9. Caleican - Modern Calendar Web App Saas Dashboard app branding calendar dashboard event google landing page mobile app product design project manager saas task task management time management ui design uiux user interface design ux design web app website
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  10. Raizer | Desktop app application badge dashboard dashboard design design filters investment investor menu navigation product product design search sidebar ui user interface ux web app
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