Weekly Warmup - Login redesign

July 07, 2020

Design+Code is awesome, as are their other products Shape and Angle. I thought it might be helpful for all three products to share login screen as well as stay within Design+Code's design system. Was a fun little project. Maybe I'll come...

Weekly warmup - Postcard

April 09, 2020

Once the travel ban is over (and my student loans are paid off.....), I'd love to visit Tokyo, Japan. Photo credit to Tokyo Luv! Enjoy.

Weekly warmup - Playing card

November 14, 2019

My take on the weekly warmup challenge! I attempted to make the diamonds look as if they were meant for 3D glasses. I love the colors from 3D glasses so I'm sure I will attempt to use this look again.

Weekly warmup - Passport stamp

November 04, 2019

I feel like people have very strong opinions about Philly... Either you love the city or you absolutely don't.

Weekly warmup - Trick-or-treating app

October 29, 2019

Why isn't there an app to ensure you're stopping at the best houses on the block from a trick-or-treating standpoint yet? Here's a quick mockup... Enjoy!