Candidates Coloring Pages - Trump

June 23, 2016

I pitched and created a series of presidential candidate coloring pages for - here's a colored in shot (using watercolors) of the Trump one. You can download your own PDF of your favorite (or most hated) candidate here and co...

Candidates Coloring Pages - Hillary

June 23, 2016

I pitched and created a series of presidential candidate coloring pages for - here's a colored in shot of the Hillary one. You can download your own PDF of your favorite (or most hated) candidate here and color away. http://...

xoJane - Political Coloring Pages - Hillary

May 10, 2016

I pitched and created a series of presidential candidate coloring pages for - here's a detail shot of the Hillary page. I wanted to capitalize on the trend in adult coloring books as a stress reliever, and the three ring circu...

xoJane - Political Coloring Pages - Bernie

May 10, 2016

I pitched and created a series of presidential candidate coloring pages for - here's a detail shot of the Bernie page. I wanted to capitalize on the trend in adult coloring books as a stress reliever, and the three ring circus...

xoJane - Political Coloring Pages - Trump

May 10, 2016

I pitched and created a series of presidential candidate coloring pages for - here's a detail shot of the Trump page. I wanted to capitalize on the trend in adult coloring books as a stress reliever, and the three ring circus ...

xoJane - Political Coloring Pages - Cruz

May 10, 2016

I pitched and created a series of presidential candidate coloring pages for - here's a detail shot of the Ted Cruz page. I wanted to capitalize on the trend in adult coloring books as a stress reliever, and the three ring circ...