CBSM Icons

May 11, 2016

Category icons for Still need some adjusting but almost complete.

Forum Detail

January 08, 2016

MMA Colleagues Cards

January 08, 2016

Topics Reorder

December 01, 2015

Working out account management details within a compact sidebar.

CBSM Training Workshops

August 21, 2015

Revising the look of workshops.

MMA Resources Navigation

November 08, 2014

Developing a new navigation system for browsing resources for along with an updated look. Balancing the fine line of learned behavior and minimal design. Really need to run this as a prototype for usability testing.

Behaviour Change

July 19, 2010

Refresh of a design produced several years ago to increase usability and to better organize content without drastically re-working site.

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Justin Kuntz