Apply Logo

August 29, 2014

This is the logo for the mobile app: 'Apply'. Apply lets you easily find a potential job match, based on information from LinkedIn. The logo is a combination of the letter 'A' and a symbol for coming together and moving in the same direc...

Apply - Job Match

August 15, 2014

Apply lets you easily find a potential job match, based on information from LinkedIn. This is the third animation which shows what happens when there's a match between a company and an applicant. Companies first see the jobseekers who ...

Apply - Applicant Information

August 04, 2014

This animation shows how recruiters can view more detailed information of the applicants. Stay tuned for more! 2/3 Behance / Twitter / Instagram

Apply - Swipe Applicants

May 30, 2014

Together with Roan Vlutters I am working on Apply: An app to easily find a potential job match, based on information from LinkedIn. This is the basic swipe animation for recruiters to flip through potential applicants for their job posi...

Available for new projects

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Jurgen Ploeger