Map of India

March 21, 2013

A map of India used in a story for Compassion Explorer magazine. Full map attached.

Web Icon

December 07, 2012

Another icon to go with the others.

Kids Title 2 (WIP)

December 04, 2012

Another title treatment for an upcoming kid's magazine article.

Kids Title 1 (WIP)

December 04, 2012

Title treatment for an upcoming kid's magazine article on malaria.

Map - South America

November 05, 2012

Another map from the same issue of a recent kid's magazine.

Map - Dominican Republic

November 05, 2012

A map I created for a recent kid's magazine.

School In Brazil - Title Treatment

October 24, 2012

A title treatment I designed/illustrated for a recent kids magazine.

Explorer Icons

October 23, 2012

The full icon set used for callouts and sidebars in a recent kid's magazine.