Fashion Page

May 09, 2016

Hello Friends, I would like to show you what Iā€™m cooking right now and Iā€™m really excited about that. So Iā€™m really looking forward to hear your thoughts about that. Gonna post more of that project soon with animation and that stuff, yo...

Represent Clothing Product Page

March 07, 2016

Hereā€™s something new Iā€™m currently working on. I wanted to make a fresh as well as a futuristic Design of the British fashion brand represent clothing. All images belong to them. I would really appreciate every single feedback. Ongoing ...

Portfolio 2015

November 30, 2015

I tried for so many times to design my own portfolio. Iā€™ve never been satisfied with what I came up but I thought before I throw this one away I better show you this one. Iā€™d really appreciate every kind of good criticism. Ongoing Dribb...

Dashboard Practice

July 13, 2015

Hey folks, here is a shot of a dashboard that I have designed the last days. At first, I just wanted to practice my skills by designing the beautiful Dashboard Design of @Mateusz Dembek. But then, I got new ideas and I wanted to try out...