Updated ToDay app v.1.5

December 14, 2015

ToDay app is the first todo web app with an one-hand user interface. Also it works in every mobile display and without internet connection. I just updated my todo webapp to the version 1.5 (new design, new filter system, bugs fix, and m...

ToDay app v.1.5

October 14, 2015

Working on a great update for my todo app.. Feedbacks are always welcome ;) Online version

ToDay Webapp v.1.2

August 12, 2015

A new design update for my ToDay Webapp (todo app). The new design is clean and minimal and the position of every element was studied to be the best, so the user can use the app with one hand. It works in every display and also without i...

ToDay Webapp v.1.2

August 11, 2015

Just released the new version of my ToDay webapp. More details

ToDay Webapp v.1.1

June 01, 2015

I just updated my ToDay webapp. New design, new user interface and new code. Now it's faster and easier then before.. What do you think? More info View live

ToDay Webapp v.1.0

February 05, 2015

New design and features for my first webapp. Lauch the app

ToDo WebApp v.0.5

August 10, 2013

My first WebApp created for fun. It's a simple ToDo app. Clean design, incredible fast and offline mode, so you can use it without internet connection. Available in every smartphone. guglielmopardo.me/today Your feedback and suggestion ...

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Guglielmo Pardo