Grid: hover state

September 18, 2013

Part of the relaunch for today, heres a live screen of the hover state for a grid item.

Campus Hero Menu

September 18, 2013

relaunched today, still working out the bugs, but heres a shot. Didn't do so hot on the resize, but oh well.

Flat Drop Down UI

June 28, 2013

This is a screen cap of live code. The menu displays on hover. I'll be releasing a jquery plugin (maybe tonight), that takes a regular select menu and replaces it with this. Colors will be configurable.

Drop down

June 20, 2013

This is a screen shot of a drop down, this is 99% css (1% being those arrows). Hover state over "west coast" option.

Credit card form

June 20, 2013

The credit card form, doesn't look like this in code exactly, but super close!

Search bar filter & results toggle

June 11, 2013

This is a shot of an upcoming side project I'm working on. I've finished designing it - building it w/ rails & angularjs now - so I'll have some demo links in the next few months!