1. Medical Dashboard Design - Fulcrum Rocks admin panel biotech dashboard clinic dashboard doctor dashboard ehealth dashboard ehr health dashboard healthcare dashboard healthcare platform hospital dashboard lab dashboard laboratory dashboard medical dashboard medtech dashboard patient dashboard product design saas science dashboard telehealth platform telemedicine
    View Medical Dashboard Design - Fulcrum Rocks
    Medical Dashboard Design - Fulcrum Rocks
  2. AI logo & branding for Edtech app- Fulcrum Rocks ai branding ai logo branding chatbot branding chatbot logo edtech app edtech branding edtech logo edtech platform edtech website education app education branding education design education logo education mobile app elearning app elearning mobile app mobile bot web3 branding web3 logo
    View AI logo & branding for Edtech app- Fulcrum Rocks
    AI logo & branding for Edtech app- Fulcrum Rocks
  3. IMDB Redesign featuring Dune: Part 2 - Media App cinema cinema app cinema landing page cinema website dune dune design imdb media app media platform media player media website movie site movies app movies platform movies website streaming app streaming platform streaming website video player web design
    View IMDB Redesign featuring Dune: Part 2 - Media App
    IMDB Redesign featuring Dune: Part 2 - Media App
  4. Mobile AI App Concept for Edtech - Fulcrum Rocks ai app ai bot ai chatbot ai chatbot app ai mobile app ai mobile app design artificial intelligence app edtech app edtech mobile app education app education design education mobile app elearning app elearning mobile app machine learning machine learning app mobile mobile animation mobile bot
    View Mobile AI App Concept for Edtech - Fulcrum Rocks
    Mobile AI App Concept for Edtech - Fulcrum Rocks
  5. Edtech Website Design - AI Website Landing Page ai animation ai bot ai chatbot ai landing page ai platform ai website animation artificial intelligence website edtech design edtech landing page edtech platform edtech saas edtech site edtech website education website elearning design elearning platform elearning website machine learning website web design
    View Edtech Website Design - AI Website Landing Page
    Edtech Website Design - AI Website Landing Page
  6. Biotech Website - Medical Landing Page Design biotech biotech design biotech landing page biotech website doctor site doctor website healthcare design healthcare landing page healthcare site lab lab website laboratory design laboratory website medtech design medtech landign page medtech site medtech website science design science landing page science website
    View Biotech Website - Medical Landing Page Design
    Biotech Website - Medical Landing Page Design
  7. Healthcare Logotype and Branding - Medical App Design ehealth branding ehealth logo health branding health logo health mobile app healthcare branding healthcare logo healthcare mobile app design hospital branding hospital logo medical branding medical design medical logo medtech branding medtech design medtech logo medtech mobile app medtech mobile app design science branding science logo
    View Healthcare Logotype and Branding - Medical App Design
    Healthcare Logotype and Branding - Medical App Design
  8. Gaming Website Design - Esports Landign Page - 3D Gaming Design betting website esports website game app game art game landing page gamepad gaming 3d design gaming app gaming design gaming landing page gaming page gaming platform gaming site gaming website metaverse website web3 web3 website
    View Gaming Website Design - Esports Landign Page - 3D Gaming Design
    Gaming Website Design - Esports Landign Page - 3D Gaming Design
  9. Pulse Heart Rate Tracking App - Healthcare App biotechnology app blood pressure app cardio app cardiology tracker ehealth ehealth app health app design health mobile app healthcare app healthcare mobile app heart app heartbeat app medical mobile app design medical tracker medtech app medtech mobile app pulse tracking app telemedicine app telemedicine design
    View Pulse Heart Rate Tracking App - Healthcare App
    Pulse Heart Rate Tracking App - Healthcare App
  10. Why design with Fulcrum? - Agency Showreel agency agency showreel agency website animation corporate website creative agency website design agency development agency development studio digital agency marketing agency website motion design portfolio portfolio website professional website services showreel typography video website animation
    View Why design with Fulcrum? - Agency Showreel
    Why design with Fulcrum? - Agency Showreel
  11. Branding for Healthcare app - Medical Logo for Hospital clinic branding clinic logo clinic logotype ehealth branding health branding health logo healthcare branding healthcare logo healthcare saas hospital branding hospital logo hospital logotype lab logo medical branding medical saas medtech branding medtech logo medtech saas pharma logo pharmacy logo
    View Branding for Healthcare app - Medical Logo for Hospital
    Branding for Healthcare app - Medical Logo for Hospital
  12. CycleMe® - Tracker App/ Cycling Animation/ Mobile UI activity tracker animation cardio app cycling app cycling tracker fitness app fitness club fitness mobile app fitness tracker gym app maps mobile running app running tracker sports app tracker app web 3 wellness app workout app workout tracker
    View CycleMe® - Tracker App/ Cycling Animation/ Mobile UI
    CycleMe® - Tracker App/ Cycling Animation/ Mobile UI
  13. Pharmacy Website-Medical Landing Page Design animation biotech biotechnology website drugstore drugstore website ehealth health website hospital website medical care medical website motion design personal care pharma pharmacy pharmacy app pharmacy website product design ui animation web design website animation
    View Pharmacy Website-Medical Landing Page Design
    Pharmacy Website-Medical Landing Page Design
  14. GTA 6® - Gaming website/ Landing page/ Game Website Animation game animation game art game design game startup game ui game website design gaming gaming animation gaming app gaming landing page gaming platform gaming website gaming websites grand theft auto gta gta 6 landing page metaverse web design website animation
    View GTA 6® - Gaming website/ Landing page/ Game Website Animation
    GTA 6® - Gaming website/ Landing page/ Game Website Animation
  15. PillMate®- Telehealth App/ Telemedicine Mobile/ Health Animation animation app design application biotech drugstore healthtech interaction medical app mobile animation mobile app motion design pharma pharma design pharmaceutical pharmacist pharmacy pharmacy app pills product design telemedicine app
    View PillMate®- Telehealth App/ Telemedicine Mobile/ Health Animation
    PillMate®- Telehealth App/ Telemedicine Mobile/ Health Animation
  16. Medical Website Design - Telehealth Landing Page clinic doctor website ehr emr health website healthcare app healthcare landing page healthcare platform healthcare website hospital hospital website medical medical landing page medical webdesign medical website medical website design patient portal telehealth telemedicine app
    View Medical Website Design - Telehealth Landing Page
    Medical Website Design - Telehealth Landing Page
  17. NeoTech® - Banking App/ Fintech Mobile/ Finance Animation 3d animation app design bank mobile banking app card crypto cryptocurrency finance app fintech fintech animation fintech app fintech design ios mobile animation mobile app motion design tech app trading app wallet app
    View NeoTech® - Banking App/ Fintech Mobile/ Finance Animation
    NeoTech® - Banking App/ Fintech Mobile/ Finance Animation
  18. NeoTech® - Fintech Dashboard / Bank Admin Panel/ Finance Service 3d animation app design bank app banking app crypto cryptocurrency dashboard dashboard animation dashboard design finance finance app fintech fintech app landing page motion design trading app wallet app web design web3
    View NeoTech® - Fintech Dashboard / Bank Admin Panel/ Finance Service
    NeoTech® - Fintech Dashboard / Bank Admin Panel/ Finance Service
  19. Video Streaming App - Xmas Design & Mobile Animation app animation christmas design christmas landing page christmas web design cinema app media media streaming mobile animation movie app movie streaming music streaming netflix stream streaming app streaming service tv tv app video streaming video streaming app web design
    View Video Streaming App - Xmas Design & Mobile Animation
    Video Streaming App - Xmas Design & Mobile Animation
  20. FitApp® - Fitness App/ Workout Animation / Mobile sport animation body weight fintess fitness app fitness website gym app gym website interaction ios app iphone animation mobile animation mobile app motion design sport sport app sport mobile sport website training wellness workout
    View FitApp® - Fitness App/ Workout Animation / Mobile sport
    FitApp® - Fitness App/ Workout Animation / Mobile sport
  21. Luna Sleep tracker app - Wellness & Yoga App Concept app for sleeping calm app dark mode app health app design medical tracking app meditation app meditation mobile app mindfulness app sleep app sleep cycle app sleep recorder sleep tracker sleep tracking app sleeping app tracker smart alarm app therapy app
    View Luna Sleep tracker app - Wellness & Yoga App Concept
    Luna Sleep tracker app - Wellness & Yoga App Concept
  22. Mova App® - Education App/ Mobile Animation/ Language App animation course app education app education platform education website educational language app language course learning app learning platform lesson app mobile animation mobile app motion design online course online education online learning product design student app word app
    View Mova App® - Education App/ Mobile Animation/ Language App
    Mova App® - Education App/ Mobile Animation/ Language App
  23. Fortnite Gaming Website - Gaming Platform Design 3d esports fortnite game animation game app game art game design game ui gaming gaming animation gaming app gaming design gaming desing gaming landing page gaming platform gaming site gaming startup gaming website gaming website design metaverse
    View Fortnite Gaming Website - Gaming Platform Design
    Fortnite Gaming Website - Gaming Platform Design
  24. FluentWave® - Learning App/ Education App/ Animation animation course app education app education website educational language courses language learning app learning app learning platform lesson app mobile app mobile learning app motion design online course online education online learning product design school app school platform student app
    View FluentWave® - Learning App/ Education App/ Animation
    FluentWave® - Learning App/ Education App/ Animation
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