❤️ Style Theory - Personalization

October 20, 2021

Hi Everyone,Time to pull up my old design, back in Style Theory.What is Style Theory?Style Theory is a fashion rental company with a subscription-based model. Operating in Singapore, Indonesia, and Hongkong.Back in the day, we release fe...

🥻 Style Theory - Product Details Page

December 16, 2020

Hi Everyone, Time to pull up my old design, back in Style Theory. Design decisions The product details page is a crucial page, where users end up pick which item fits their needs. This time I eliminate their navigation and other menus t...

Wishlist - Add to collection

March 04, 2019

💬Style Theory is fashion rent company. This design is to serve user who likes the item, so user be able to add it into their wishlist also add it into their specific collection. the design is already up! 📲You can download the app for f...

🔱 Shipment Dashboard

December 18, 2018

📱🖥 Our platforms make it easier to handle a lot of shipment. Credits: Product designers: Fariz and Armas Presentation inspired by Uber for business

🚀 Internal Apps Components

September 27, 2018

a set of UI components from Styletheory internal apps that I worked on. creating a global components across projects and platform. You think you can improve it? Join with us careers@styletheory.co

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