eodsgn.com resume page

September 17, 2014

New studio profile pictures means update to resume page :) Check animation of how this page works on vimeo.

eodsgn.com [mobile homepage animation]

August 13, 2014

So this is the new home for my new portfolio page. The mobile version of this page here. I'm staying away from having a page with my work and keeping it more simple with a page holding some hero shots only and my behance, dribbble, vime...

eodsgn.com [homepage animation]

July 31, 2014

So this is the new home for my new portfolio page. I'm staying away from having a page with my work and keeping it more simple with a page holding some hero shots only and my behance, dribbble, vimeo links for more... I also would have ...

eodsgn resume

July 16, 2014

So this is the resume page for a new portfolio page I'm designing right now. GIFs are kind of crappy for this so check it out on vimeo too: https://vimeo.com/100929243