News iPhone app animation

March 09, 2017

Principle app is an amazing tool for quick animation. Today I've learned how to use drivers and using video files inside a prototype. Thanks to @Yaroslav Zubko for the source file I've used for inspiration and @Fernando Martinez for th...

Simple animation for mobile audio player

March 06, 2017

Another shot for my UI practice. Source files (sketch and principle) are attached.

Arturia DrumBrute iPad concept + free Sketch file

March 02, 2017

I like music production. I like drum machines. I like my iPad! So I decided to create something special with the analog flavor for my UI practice. Let me introduce my concept of Arturia Drum Brute (

Music Player Widget (Free PSD)

August 12, 2014

Just another music player widget making for fun & practice. Download .psd file for absolutely free and have a nice day! :)

Available for new projects

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