1. Forum Thread answer blue clean design forum green interface material post qa question sidebar thread ui ux web white
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  2. Forum dedicated to University Community chat class clean college community community manager community project comunicator education forum forums grades saved elements thread threads timeline timelines university virtual college
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    Forum dedicated to University Community
  3. Skillsphere: E-Course Platform Dashboard Saas Webapp - Community community component course dashboard ecourse elearning input learning product design saas saas design social social media textfield ui uiux ux web app web design webapp
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    Skillsphere: E-Course Platform Dashboard Saas Webapp - Community
  4. Skillsphere: E-Course Dashboard Saas Web App - Community 📚 community course dashboard design discussion ecourse elearning forum learning learning platform post product design reddit saas saasuiux thread uiux web app web app dashboard web design
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    Skillsphere: E-Course Dashboard Saas Web App - Community 📚
  5. ZelenkaGuru - Social Engineering Forum blockchain community crypto dashboard feed forum gaming groups message messenger post social social media threads twitter x
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    ZelenkaGuru - Social Engineering Forum
  6. Create New Task PopUp assign task attachment breadcrumb clean ui create task dashboard kanban board minimal pop up productivity webapp project management saas saas tool schedule task task app task description task grid view to do webapp wecraft
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    Create New Task PopUp
  7. Create New Course / Setup Schedule - Online Course Platform add course course course platform create course new course online course schedule course web web app web design
    View Create New Course / Setup Schedule - Online Course Platform
    Create New Course / Setup Schedule - Online Course Platform
  8. Create a new team — Untitled UI create project create team dialog invite minimal modal pop over pop up popup product design ui design user interface
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    Create a new team — Untitled UI
  9. Tiimi - Announcement Feed in a SaaS HR Management System announcement candidate company contract employee feed hiring hr hrd hrm hrs job product design recruitment saas staff team management ui ux web design
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    Tiimi - Announcement Feed in a SaaS HR Management System
  10. E-learning Platform Dashboard Design admin color colorful course dashboard e learning education elearning learning lesson lms online school soft student study teacher tutor user website
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    E-learning Platform Dashboard Design
  11. Conditional filters advanced conditions advanced filters clean complex conditional filters conditions crm filters logic logic filters minimal multi level pipeline saas sales table table filters ui ux
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    Conditional filters
  12. SaaS Software - Promotions UI design minimal saas product minimal software product product design promo promo ui promostion promotion ui saas saas dashboard saas dashboard ui saas product saas promotion software software ui
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    SaaS Software - Promotions UI
  13. Hotel SaaS - B2B Manage Platform dashboard ui hotel hotel design ui hotel manage hotel manage ui ux hotel mange ui hotel ui manage mange ui ux platfrom report ui saas saas ui settings ui ui manage ux ux ui
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    Hotel SaaS - B2B Manage Platform
  14. Trenning - Quiz List View in a SaaS Learning Management System course education education platform knowledge base learning management system lms product design question quiz saas saas design staff training student training ui uiux ux web app web design wiki
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    Trenning - Quiz List View in a SaaS Learning Management System
  15. Sales Management Saas Web App - Contacts List account card b2b card card component contact contact account contact list crm detail contact detail contacts product product deesign saas saas management sales sales center sales management saas sales web app uiux web app
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    Sales Management Saas Web App - Contacts List
  16. Dental Website Application - Patient List & Details application appointment care clinic data dental details doctor hospital list patient personal queue saas schedule software table ui website
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    Dental Website Application - Patient List & Details
  17. Accounts list accounts apollo crm filter filter by filtering filters hubspot list logic builder outreach query query builder saas sales salesforce sort by table table view zoominfo
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    Accounts list
  18. Accident Management_Client List accident management clean ui client list client management filter fleet insurance management lead management leads minimal saas table table list page ui design web webapp
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    Accident Management_Client List
  19. List View - Task Management Dashboard clean dashboard design kanban list list project list task list view minimalist product design product management project management saas saas dashboard table table view tag task management dashboard ui ux
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    List View - Task Management Dashboard
  20. ProDeel - Account Settings/Profile Page account admin clean component dashboard design details edit form interface preferences profile saas settings sidebar ui design user ux ux design web app
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    ProDeel - Account Settings/Profile Page
  21. Online Learning Platform crm digital product e learning education figma learning platform online school online study product design student study platform teacher tutor ui design ui ux web app web design website design website ui
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    Online Learning Platform
  22. Case Study: School Education App Design animation app design design education graphic design interaction design interface landing page mobile motion graphics pupils school students ui user experience user interface ux web animation web design website
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    Case Study: School Education App Design
  23. School Education Mobile App app design application communication design education graphic design interaction design interface interface design mobile app mobile application mobile design mobile ui mobile user interface school school tracker ui user experience user interface ux
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    School Education Mobile App
  24. Kiddie | Book Doctor Appointment Online animation app design appointment appointment booking book appointment book doctor online booking app booking flow doctor app doctor appointment medical app medical booking app medical care mobile app online appointment online consultation app online doctor online healthcare patient app schedule
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    Kiddie | Book Doctor Appointment Online
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