1. Build a Design System from scratch. construction tech design design system product design saas ui ux
    View Build a Design System from scratch.
    Build a Design System from scratch.
  2. Simplify the AOS core product (Saqara) design product design ui ux
    View Simplify the AOS core product (Saqara)
    Simplify the AOS core product (Saqara)
  3. Adapt product to multi entities clients design hr tech product design saas ui ux
    View Adapt product to multi entities clients
    Adapt product to multi entities clients
  4. Salary raise flow campaign (Lucca) dashboard design product design saas ui ux
    View Salary raise flow campaign (Lucca)
    Salary raise flow campaign (Lucca)
  5. Automate the pay bill verification - Lucca design product design saas ui ux
    View Automate the pay bill verification - Lucca
    Automate the pay bill verification - Lucca
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