Devices | Just One Smart Home (JOSH)

January 24, 2020

Hallo, the last two JOSH screens are here. The left one represents the Devices tab and the right one shows an open navigation screen. That’s it from project JOSH, tschüss! 👋

Rooms | Just One Smart Home (JOSH)

January 22, 2020

Olá, third and fourth screens from the JOSH smart home app are here. The right one represents the Rooms tab, with a list of rooms with smart devices. The left one represents a single room with one device. Till next time, tchau!

Login | Just One Smart Home (JOSH)

January 20, 2020

👋 Two years ago I did some exploration for smart home application. These screens were collecting dust on my laptop for 2 years, so here are the first 2 out of 6 screens. 🎉 Screens are representing login and splash screen for a smart h...