SOC Dashboard

March 05, 2013

Dashboard concept page for medical search database. This view would display once you login and see the topics/questions that you are following. SEE ACTUAL HERE Thanks, let me know what you think.

BS Landing

February 14, 2013

Hello folks, As promised, here is the landing page for BeamStream. Development still in the process but wanted to share the FULL PAGE PREVIEW with you guys. Feedback is appreciated. Carry on.

Bulletin Board

January 11, 2013

Hey Guys, Heres a project I'm working on (very early stages) I'm still putting together the layout and elements. Hover state will reveal actions (like, comment, share, go to link, etc). The logo has been blurred out a bit for now. Be s...

FVT Pages [Animated]

January 04, 2013

Hello all and happy 2013 year! Dribbble has definitely changed my life and has challenged me to to push my limits while having fun at it. I've quit my 9-5 job a few months ago and am fully freelancing now... thanks to dribbble and it's c...

Solar Landing

October 31, 2012

Okay here is another shot of the made-up logo/name "solar" project. ACTUAL PIXELS HERE This is the landing page that will hopefully sell the product. Below the 2 main buttons, product features will go there with cool graphics (not yet...

AN Home

October 02, 2012

Hey guys... I created this design a couple of weeks ago (ZOOM IN and ACTUAL SIZE). Its been approved and already in the coding process. Website is for a local boat company that builds custom boats. Each avatar shows each model they offer...

PU Product

September 13, 2012

Okay check out the product detail pop-out. This will appear one one clicks on any of the images on the timeline. The idea is for the feed to animate down when you scroll down (or after product loads, it will animate the comments down). ...

PU Timeline View

September 11, 2012

Okay, Idea here is that I buy an awesome thing... I share it. A link is generated to where I bought it (ex: amazon, best buy, etc) then if people buy from my link, I get points. The more points = The more rewards :) Able to toggle from ...

Available for new projects

Get in touch
 David Kovalev