New Icons for my Portfolio

November 23, 2016

I have been working on my portfolio site for a while. I just finished what should be the last set of icons for the site. Just a small comparison of the old icon style into the new icons.

Menu Animation for Portfolio

November 19, 2016

This is a tiny bit of the new update for the portfolio site. Playing around with ideas for animating the menu bar on my website on mobile phones.

I'm restyling my contact form

November 08, 2016

I've been redoing the whole contact form on my personal site. The design is coming along great. Even though this took forever to code, the whole thing is getting closer to production: 1 small bit at a time.

New Site Update Coming Soon

November 05, 2016

I'm rebranding, and it's going to be fun. Coming soon will be a more focused page, one that centers around professionalism and showcasing work. This is a big change from my "I'm cool and you should hire me" approach. It needed to have mo...

Second Business Card Shot

October 11, 2016

Here's the back too, lets me have a little more unified branding for the design. Same icons that I'm using on my website too.

Reworking My Business Card

October 11, 2016

Really worked hard at putting some extra icons together for my new business cards. It's a slight update, but one that was needed.

Coming Soon Title Design

May 15, 2016

This is the proposed design for the pages that aren't coded yet. I cheated a little bit and used the jpeg as the filler for now, but most of that is ready at

Working on my new landing page

April 12, 2016

This is an early peek at the new landing page for my website at It's going to span a few pages for the different areas of design I specialize in. Don't expect this to be final, haha, just a cool draft of what's...