1. Accident Management_Client List accident management clean ui client list client management filter fleet insurance management lead management leads minimal saas table table list page ui design web webapp
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  2. Insights Dashboard View - Inline Links Exploration chart figma graph inline actions insights links product product design purple reporting reports saas side menu sidebar ui ui design uxdesign web app
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  5. Sales Analytics - Dashboard analytics branding business chart dashboard design design system dipa inhouse manufacture marketing order product sales sales analytics transaction ui ux web app web design website
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  6. Sales Analytics - Dashboard Design analytics animation branding business convertion design design system dipa inhouse graphic design interaction manufacture marketing order performance product revenue sales transaction ui ux
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  7. Coprofit - Sales Dashboard branding dashboard design design system dipa inhouse income integration landing page order product revenue sales sales analytics ui ui design ui kit ux design web app web design website
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  11. core3: database editor, low-code work automation api app automation automation platform data database product design devtool dual mode integration low code management nft marketplace no code platform saas sql tool web app web design workflow
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  14. Redesign of the EDGE platform for deploying of games worldwide application data database deploy deployment edge figma games interface ops platform react redesign saas table toggle ui ux web worldwide
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