Mobile Screens |

March 07, 2022

Nom Nom Nom.Mobile design with custom illustrations for our new website.--Instagram | Website

Font Selection | The Puzzlers

March 03, 2022

Every one of us builds up on the past and the achievements, ideas & products of others. Just take all these awesome type foundries as an example. Without them, I could never express my ideas in the way I do.For our own brand, we've s...

Web Design |

March 03, 2022

Vibrant. Young. Unique.Our branding reflects the main goal of our company - to design and develop unique experiences for small businesses. At the same time, we're using each project to train motivated people in web development, graphic a...

Contact Section |

March 03, 2022

The best way to get creative is to work on awesome projects.Luckily, over the past years, I've had the opportunity to work with great people from different industries. Always diving into new concepts and requirements keeps your mind busy...

The Puzzlers Logo

March 03, 2022

I've always found that the creation of your own brand is one of the most challenging design tasks. As you just want to get it right.We've spent countless hours thinking, tweaking and re-designing, but in the end we're happy about the out...