1. Template: Raise the Bar branding dark darkmode design framer framerpartner framertemplate framerwebsite graphic design illustration luxury parallax scroll animation scroll transform ui web webdesign webdesigntemplate webdeveloper webtemplate
    View Template: Raise the Bar
    Template: Raise the Bar
  2. Example: ABC Tømrer animation animations branding cms contactform contractor design framer framertemplate graphic design handy illustration logo projects ui
    View Example: ABC Tømrer
    Example: ABC Tømrer
  3. Website: Procano animations appear blog blue branding cms contactform design embed framer framer partner framertemplate graphic design hoved illustration it nestedcms scroll animations tech technology
    View Website: Procano
    Website: Procano
  4. Template: Luxury Timepieces animation bra branding design framer framertemplate graphic design hover illsutration logo luxurybrand minimalistic modern scroll effect typography ui ux video web webdesign
    View Template: Luxury Timepieces
    Template: Luxury Timepieces
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