Lovelyloot Collection

April 27, 2018

Trying to post more of the stuff I've been working on. We are launching our 2.0 for Lovelyloot and part of that update are better collections. This was one version we decided not to use but it was a fun one!

Lovelyloot Homepage Update

March 26, 2017

Working on updating the Lovelyloot home page focusing more on the target audience and on beauty products. Starting to the like the cleaner look. Check out the larger version for more.

Brand Page

August 01, 2016

As we approach launch and are building our partnerships with beauty brand/retailers we needed a new page to explain this partnership. Check out the larger version

Lovelyloot Update

June 16, 2016

Hey everyone, Getting close to our beta and really happy about where the app is heading. We have simplified our navigation, product views and profile. So excited to show more. If you or someone you know wants a way to save and rememb...

Lovelyloot Business Card

March 27, 2016

Finishing out the identity for Lovelyloot and we just got our new foil stamped cards from Moo. The quality is really great.


January 22, 2016

We are finally getting close to a beta for Lovelyloot! We've been working so hard to get something out the door and are really proud of it. Added some additional screens here. If you, or someone in your life, love makeup and would lik...

Lovelyloot Site

October 08, 2015

Just launched our site for our new app Lovelyloot. We are really excited about this new makeup app. We are launching a beta for ios pretty soon so if you love beauty products or know someone who does send this to them and sign up for ea...

Lovelyloot Logo

August 11, 2015

Finalizing the logo for our new app. I used a modified version of Bree. We wanted something that felt friendly and had influences of handwriting. Any thoughts? Check it out:

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Chris Linden