Coffee Circle – Logo

February 11, 2022

Respecting Coffee Circle’s history and community I kept the "wiff" as a mark and only gave it a little more room in comparison to the original. The wordmark became a classic geometric sans serif.

Coffee Circle – UX prototype in a nutshell

February 11, 2022

Coffee Circle did a strategic repositioning and to address that the brand had to change as well. A new UX is driving the curious customers and the stories behind the coffee are coming to the forefront.

Coffee Circle – Website

February 11, 2022

Coffee Circle – Graphics

February 11, 2022

Coffee Circle – Clear user guidance

February 11, 2022

The Call-to-Action color is either used for activation or to highlight information nuggets around coffee.

Coffee Circle – Teaser modules

February 11, 2022

Brand repositioning for Coffee Circle. UX improvements: Introducing new modules that are engaging with the user. Coffee Circle’s persona is curious and nerdy when it comes to coffee. By providing more background stories and detailed info...

Available for new projects

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Christoph Reichert