Flickstory Website Dribbble

February 07, 2019

Landing page created to promote FlickStory mobile app. Here I was responsible for planning the page structure and information, design and defining the animations, that were later created by the project developer. View live version: http...

Discover more content

February 06, 2019

Discover screen for FlickStory App, where users can find more content to follow, from categories to different channels that have content of their interest. Hope you like it! Cheers *** Want to say hi?  Drop me a few lines at ...

Save Story to Read Later

February 05, 2019

Hi dribbblers! Here is the saved stories screen for FlickStory app, where stories get stored for 24h and users, have the possibility to read them later. More screens from this app on the next (and previous) posts. Have a look! :) Chee...

FlickStory App - News Stories

January 30, 2019

FlickStory - the next generation of mobile news! ;) Here's a user flow preview showing how to go from the personal feed to the complete news article. More shots from the app coming on the next posts! Cheers :) *** Want to say hi?&n...

Flickstory App Logo

January 29, 2019

Hello everyone, here I present a new project I've been working on last year. I can finally share it :) Here you can see the logo and branding that I created for the app called FlickStory. Flickstory it's a News stories app that follows...

Available for new projects

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Catarina Fagundes Coutinho