1. Tripin - Travel app adventure app app design booking clean design destination flight flutter mobile mobile app deisgn tourism travel travel app traveling trip ui ui design ui travel vacation
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    Tripin - Travel app
  2. Parkings - The Menus (Chat, Transaction, Saved) app design application bookmark chat clean design emir abiyyu history ios messages mobile app mobile design nija works place saved transaction ui uidesign ux
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    Parkings - The Menus (Chat, Transaction, Saved)
  3. Dropcard | Payment Card Fintech Landing Page bank banking business clean credit card debit card e finance finance fintech homepage landing landing page landing page design payment payment card technology ui web app web design website design
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    Dropcard | Payment Card Fintech Landing Page
  4. πŸ“° Buletin - News Website article blog blog web clean design feed landing page news news web newsfeed newslatter newspaper publishing sports ui uiux website
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    πŸ“° Buletin - News Website
  5. YB - Your Business Web App app business business app business profile card category clean detail page gallery homepage mobile mobile app modern rating review search ui user experience user interface ux
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    YB - Your Business Web App
  6. Meeting Recorder App app design app ui discussion meet meeting meeting app record recording ui ui design video meeting video recording voice voice recording
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    Meeting Recorder App
  7. Ordering Apps for Chef or Restaurant chef clean ui grocery app ios iphone13 mobile app mobile app design online grocery restaurant ui uidesign ux uxdesign
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    Ordering Apps for Chef or Restaurant
  8. Financer - Financial & Digital Wallet App balance banking credit card deposit design finance financial fintech graphic design mobile design money payment pixlayer stock topup transaction transfer ui ui kit ux
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    Financer - Financial & Digital Wallet App
  9. Derrida - Freelance Job Landingpage design freelance freelance landing page hiring job application job board job directory job finder job listing job portal landing page job search job seeker job web design ui ui design uiux web web design website website design
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    Derrida - Freelance Job Landingpage
  10. Sumen - Creative Design Agency agency agency design bold business company company website corporate creative design agency digital agency landing page landing page agency marketing portfolio studio studio design sumen agency web website website deisgn
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    Sumen - Creative Design Agency
  11. Giveee - Crowdfunding App app app design apps crowd crowfunding design endangered funding fundraising ios ios app mobile mobile app mobile design mobile funding ui ux
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    Giveee - Crowdfunding App
  12. qeep - UI Design for Online Store animation clean clear e commerce minimal motion online store shoes store store ui ui design ui ux design ux web design
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    qeep - UI Design for Online Store
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