Herschel holiday sale!

December 21, 2017

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!

MyFonts "Favorite Five Fonts" Feature

March 02, 2017

Herschel made it onto @Alana Louise's list of her five favorite fonts. Thanks for the shout out Alana—enjoy those alternates! Check out all Alana's favs in the MyFonts newsletter.

Avoid font regret. Buy Herschel while it's still 75% off.

January 04, 2017

Font regret is real, people. Don't believe me? Well, then don't buy Herschel's six weights of sweetness on @myfonts for 75% off until this Friday, January 6th. Really, it's for the altruistic warm fuzzies I get from knowing I've helped ...

Less than one week...

January 02, 2017

Font regret is real. Don't believe me? Don't buy Herschel this week while it's still 75% off on @myfonts...

The pen is mightier...

December 29, 2016

A phrase coined by the character of Cardinal Richelieu in the play "The Conspiracy" in 1839. Type set in the Two Percent and Whole weights of Herschel. For only a few more days, buy the entire Herschel font family for just $32.25 on My...

Standard & Oldstyle Figures

December 21, 2016

Herschel's has oldstyle and standard figures, available as tabular or proportional. Click the link to buy it for 75% off.

The Ampersands of Herschel

December 15, 2016

The ampersands of Herschel. Four styles in six weights—count 'em: 24 ampersands. Buy Herschel on MyFonts right now for 75% off. Click the link. Do the deed.

Herschel, contextual & stylistic alternates

December 13, 2016

Herschel has more than 120 stylistic alternates! This is an example of a stylistic alternate that has a contextual alternate for the upper case in order to accommodate the same style for both cases. The "C" on the top is the regular st...