Catalog pages. GoTape kinesiology tape website

February 09, 2021

GoTape is an elastic world’s finest kinesiology tape used to manage joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help sportsmen get and stay well. Responsive design, Magento-based site (including custom controls development, variety o...

Homepage for Magento GoTape website

February 03, 2021

GoTape is an elastic world’s finest kinesiology tape used to manage joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help sportsmen get and stay well. Responsive design, Magento-based site (including custom controls development, variety o...

Business cards. GoTape Branding

January 28, 2021

GoTape is an elastic world’s finest kinesiology tape used to manage joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help sportsmen get and stay well. Responsive design, Magento-based site (including custom controls development, variety o...

Inner pages. GoTape WordPress website

January 19, 2021

GoTape is an elastic world’s finest kinesiology tape used to manage joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help sportsmen get and stay well. Responsive design, Magento-based site (including custom controls development, variety o...

Business card for GoTape. Branding

January 14, 2021

GoTape is an elastic world’s finest kinesiology tape used to manage joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help sportsmen get and stay well. Responsive design, Magento-based site (including custom controls development, variety o...

UX wireframes for GoTape website

May 21, 2020

GoTape is an elastic world’s finest kinesiology tape used to manage joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help sportsmen get and stay well. Responsive design, Magento-based site (including custom controls development, variety o...

Stages of creating a website design. GoTape stages.

July 11, 2019

Stages of creating a web design for GoTape. Sketch → Prototype → Design Full Case - Follow us on → Instagram

Style Guide for GoTape. Visual Identity

July 01, 2019

GoTape is an elastic world’s finest kinesiology tape used to manage joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help sportsmen get and stay well. Responsive design, Magento-based site (including custom controls development, variety o...

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