1. Ninox Branding, visual identity, corporate brand design brand brand agency brand and identity brand design brand designer brand identity brand identity design branding branding and identity corporate identity identity identitydesign logo logo designer logodesign logotype modern logo visual identity
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    Ninox Branding, visual identity, corporate brand design
  2. Izanami Studio - 3D Design Studio Landing Page 3d 3d design agency ai clean digital agency hero section japanese style landing page light theme minimalist section ui ux web web design website website agency website studio
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    Izanami Studio - 3D Design Studio Landing Page
  3. Digital Craft - Digital Agency Landing Page agency agency website bold clean company creative agency digital agency home page landing page minimal minimalist modern portfolio product design services studio typography ui ux website design
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    Digital Craft - Digital Agency Landing Page
  4. ItWorks Agency - Visual Identity agency brand brand design brand identity branding branding agency branding company corporate identity digital agency graphic design green guidelines identity it logo logo design modern stabilo visual guidelines visual identity
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    ItWorks Agency - Visual Identity
  5. Vinyl Records E-Commerce Store album album cover black sabbath e commerce online marketing online shopping pink floyd shopping app soundtrack soundtracks store store app tracklist vinyl vinyl records vinyl records store vinyl renaissance vinyl shop
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    Vinyl Records E-Commerce Store
  6. Forgot Password, Reset Links & Create New Password Pages authentication process create new password create new password ui digital product design dribbble showcase forgot password forgot password page forgot password user flow information architecture modern interfaces password recovery reset link design reset links responsive design seamless user flow sign in sign up visual design web authentication web design
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    Forgot Password, Reset Links & Create New Password Pages
  7. Movie Streaming App, UI Kit app app design clean design design mobile mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui modern design movie movie app movie streaming netflix streaming app ui ui design uidesign ux uxdesign
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    Movie Streaming App, UI Kit
  8. Luxeloom-Fashion Website awe ecommerce ecommerce landing page ecommerce templates ecommerce website fashion fashion landing page fashion website online shop online store shop shopify store web website
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    Luxeloom-Fashion Website
  9. Game Dashboard Mobile Design app dashboard design game gaming illustration interface mobile store ui ux
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    Game Dashboard Mobile Design
  10. logo, logo design, brand identity brand brand identity branding identity logo logo design logo designer logo identity logo inspiration logodesign logos logotype mark minimal logo modern modern logo monogram simple logo visual visual identity
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    logo, logo design, brand identity
  11. Dapurku - Restaurant POS System cashier checkout dashboard design fast food food food app order point of sales pos pos design pos system pos terminal product product design restaurant ui uiux web design website
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    Dapurku - Restaurant POS System
  12. Medix - EHR Patient Overview app clean clinic dashboard design doctor health healthcare healthtech hospital lab medical medical cal patient product design records simple ui uiux design ux
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    Medix - EHR Patient Overview
  13. 🩺asklepios UI Kit: AI Healthcare & Wellness App | Health Metric ai app blood pressure blue chatbot data diet fitness health health tracker healthcare healthcare ai heart rate minimal mobile nutrition personalized ui ui kit virtual care
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    🩺asklepios UI Kit: AI Healthcare & Wellness App | Health Metric
  14. Catase - Branding design for the calendar schedule management brand brand design brand identity branding branding design business business card calendar design graphic design logo logo design logotype management minimal modern poster poster design simple typography
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    Catase - Branding design for the calendar schedule management
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