Codesign - macOS App - Code

October 19, 2020

Hi there! Today I'd like to show you the main screen of code phase. Write components as a React 
or Vue with pre-made templates and code assistants From now on, everything is placed in the cloud with full versioning. Easily create appli...

Codesign - macOS App - Insert component

October 16, 2020

Hi there! Today I'd like to show you insert a component into your design. One shortcut is enough to add the button you used before. Not sure if you can use it or what padding it has? You can read everything in the reference documentati...

Codesign - macOS App - Design Phase

October 14, 2020

Hi there! The all-in app where team creating Design System. Thanks to Codesign you will improve the experience of working in 
a team and avoid many design errors. Design phase Create components from scratch or build applications with ...

Codesign - macOS App - Design System

October 13, 2020

Codesign The all-in app where team creating Design System. Thanks to Codesign you will improve the experience of working in 
a team and avoid many design errors. Main features Work together on components and views, synchronize all tea...